Whole-wheat anise-infused apple sour bread
My adaptation of Stephanie Petersen's adaptation of the Apple Sour Bread recipe from Cordon Bleu Professional Baker's cookbooks.
Apple starter:
2 cups of shredded apple (or applesauce)
1/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup water
2 t anise seeds
Combine all the ingredients in a glass or plastic container, covered with cloth or loose lid for 8-10 days. Leave at room temperature. Do not stir. When mixture is bubbly and smells fermented, it should be ready for bread making.
Put the entire bottle in the fridge and keep it there up to 2 months. It gets better with age.
If you're running low, then 24 hours before you want apple sourdough, remove jar from the fridge and add
1 cup shredded apple, or applesauce
3T water
3T sugar
Stir and let sit covered for 24 hours and bake....
The first dough, or build has these ingredients:
1 T honey
1/4 cup water
1/2 cup apple sour
2 1/4 cups whole wheat bread flour.
Combine and knead 5-7 minutes until smooth and elastic. Form into a ball and place in a large lightly oiled bowl, covered, for 8-10 hours (or refrigerate up to 24 hours depending on what your schedule is like).
Second Build:
2T honey
1/2 cup shredded apples
1/4 cup water
Dough from first build
1/2+ cup whole wheat bread flour
1/2 T salt
In a large bowl or kitchen aid, combine apples, water, and dough from the first build. Add the salt and 1/2 cup of the flour. Knead 5-7 minutes. Add the remaining flour only if dough is VERY wet. It should be a moist dough.
Remove dough from bowl and form into a ball. Place in a large covered crock or bowl and allow to raise 5-8 hours in a 75-80 degree room (dough should be about 80 degrees). If you want to have dough raise in the fridge, it can be there for 18-24 hours. Remove from bowl and form into a Vienna Loaf shape.
Place loaves in 8 by 4 by 4 inch loaf pans, or free standing artisan bread. Let rise 3-4 hours, depending on the dough temperature. If dough was in the fridge, it will take at least 4 hours.
Preheat 425 degrees. Bake 20 minutes then lower temperature to 375 degrees and bake 20 more minutes, until internal temperature is 175 degrees tested with a meat thermometer